Rioken walked continuously in rhythm until he reached the Village Gates of the Cloud Village. He sighed while having his eyes closed and thinking 'Is this worth it? Leaving a village I've been here for so long? It's almost like my hometown. ' That's when he realized he said 'Almost' He came to the realization that even though this village taught him what he needed to know, guided him, and even trained him of the skills he'd need for the outside world it would not be the same as how it was back in the Leaf Village. Of Course, he knew he wouldn't be sating long in the Leaf Village it'd be nice to stop by to see what his people have been doing, how everyone's doing. "Too many things cross the mind but only the heart has the answer." Rio said. All he carried was a backpack that includes all his weapons (Kunais, Shurikens, Flash Bombs, Paper Bombs, and even his rope which he used to attach two kunais together), food and other miscellaneous material. Rioken didn't need that much food, for he had this belief that he was never hungry. The only thing that would stop his hunger was him spacing out as he walked, which was clearly unusual. Obviously, he'd realize that he isn't God nor Superman and that all human beings require as small as a grain of rice to survive. Rioken stopped thinking and talking and from that moment, he walked forth. The gates opened, revealing a great forest with great meadows and a vast area of beauty. He was surprised that such things existed out of the Cloud Village for all that was in the village was, well, clouds. it felt great to be touching land again for him. He kneeled down and caressed the ground itself. One simple touch and he rose up again, and started to walk once more. "Goodbye, my great Stairwell"