Overview of Minami's abilities
Minami has general skill in taijutsu and ninjutsu, but she has taken a real shine ver genjutsu. It is therefore, her speciality, and she has a lot of very advance genjutsu with she uses with precision and timing. She has a few nasty genjutsu, which she only uses in great need. Although she fast and agile, she has a real difficulty with taijutsu. It was always her weak point, and she dislikes using taijutsu because hers is so weak.
Minami's Flute
Minami has a flute which she uses to control peoples emotions, casting a undetectable genjutsu on the victim, if Minami plays a sad tune, the vitcim will feel depressed, if Minami plays a fearful tune, the victim will shrink in fear. Minami can also use this flute o cast a genjutsu to make the victim fall dead asleep, and they do not wake up until Minami releases it herself.
Minami's Jutsu
False Handseal Jutsu
- This jutsu tricks the oppenent into thinking that the user is about to perform a very powerful jutsu, therefore making it useful for decieving.
Buzzing Sound Jutsu
- Ths jutsu makes the oppenent feel a very annoying buzzing in their ears, causing them great discomfort and crippling their ability to hear.
Chill Jutsu
- This jutsu sends a chill down the users spine, making them feel fear. Good for paralysing.
Immense Hunger Jutsu
- This jutsu makes the user feel hungry and therefore weakened by the overwelming urge to find food.
Triple Vision Jutsu
- This is a jutsu that makes the enemy see three of everything they see, therefore making it difficult, almost impossible to aim or throw anything.
Sway Jutsu
- This attack makes the opponent's world sway around them, causing them to lose balence, and in some cases with those with a weak stomach, can make them feel sick or throw up.
Blizzard Illusion Jutsu
- This jutsu creates the illusion of a raging blizzard. The opponent feels cold, and it reduces visabilty because of the snow, and it is hard for the user to hear over the raging winds.
Decayig floor Jutsu
- The jutsu makes the enemy see he floor decaying and breaking up. It causes them to lose balance, because they feel they are always falling.
Enternal Embers Jutsu
- This is Minami's nastisest technique, and it involves the enemy feeling like they are surrounded by fire, and they scream in pain as they feel like they are being ripped apart by the flames. Minami will most likely never use this jutsu.